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  1. Ed-Fi Data Standard
  2. DATASTD-1396

Support for central office departments in data model



    • New Feature
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • Data Standard v3.3.0-a
    • None
    • None


      Summary of outcomes for Data Standard 3.3.0-a

      • Problem Addressed: State, district, and school departments are not currently treated as Education Organizations. This means any staff associated with these departments are all grouped under the larger umbrella of SEA, LEA, or School. Tracking employee evaluations and other HR data requires a new Education Organization subclass that is more in line with the reality of these organization hierarchies.
      • High-level Reasoning: As more HR data flows into the ODS, the new general Department should become a standalone entity to track staff associated with these entities.
      • Changes to be Made: Create a new OrganizationDepartment subclass of EducationOrganization. It should include a ParentEducationOrganization reference to record the hierarchy under any of the existing Education Organization subclasses. The new Organization Department is also needed in the EducationOrganizationCategory descriptor.

      Original Description:

      Boston is working with Teachpoint to implement their evaluation system. We need to include all employees who will be evaluated in the ODS, including central office employees. We are not sure where to store information regarding central office departments. Right now, they are included as separate education organizations, but there is no EducationOrganization endpoint. There is also not a relevant EducationOrganization type to use.

      Other relevant information:

      • These departments do not function as schools, and have a six digit unique identifier. Schools also have a six digit unique identifier.
      • Previous tracker ticket on this topic (https://tracker.ed-fi.org/browse/ODS-3289)
      • These departments provide services to schools but the majority of employees are at central office. Some employees are included in the department and evaluated centrally, but deployed to provide services within a school (e.g. related service providers for special education who work with multiple schools but are managed and paid for centrally).

      bostonbavery Cy.Jones


        1. Department.docx
          77 kB
          Ed Comer
        2. image-2021-02-04-10-33-46-500.png
          10 kB
          P Bryce Avery
        3. image-2021-02-04-10-39-36-431.png
          15 kB
          P Bryce Avery

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