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  1. Teacher Preparation Data Model
  2. TPDMX-118

Teacher/Teacher Candidate Credentials




      The current model has targets for information about teacher candidates, and about their credentials. There is a need for a separate table that holds the complex information about credentials. This is important for capturing the information about licenses, endorsements, micro-credentials, and the like.


      These credentials link to TPPs (they offer and recommend them), to candidates (they pursue and earn them) and to EdFi core (K-12 courses require certain certs). for credentials we use:

      1. A table with educator information, which maps to the teacher candidate
      2. A complex lookup table containing what every type of certificate is –
      3. e.g., Cert_license_id = 452, this means Intern cert for Chemistry 7-12 from an alternative certification route  
      1. A table that has a unique ID for every actual certificate. Each cert goes with an educator, has a beginning and an end date may have endorsements or sanctions, etc. On this table is also the cert_license_id - that is, exactly what the cert is, and who it belongs to – the educator.

      The tables and columns are in the attached spreadsheet (see all 3 tabs). Now, if we’re missing something in our mapping, we’re happy to course correct. This is an element that would impact a number of use cases, but I think that SEAs are in a unique perspective to see it, since we are looking at connecting K12 with TPP, and looking at the entire portfolio of possible credentials.


        1. Copy of Cert_licenses.xlsx
          240 kB
          Itzel Torres [Contractor] [X]
        2. Credential FINAL.xlsx
          33 kB
          Steven Arnold
        3. Credential Model Final.vsdx
          66 kB
          Steven Arnold
        4. RANDA v TPDM.xlsx
          13 kB
          Itzel Torres [Contractor] [X]
        5. TEA_tables and columns for certificate issue.xlsx
          14 kB
          Itzel Torres [Contractor] [X]
        6. TEA Lookup Tables.xlsx
          21 kB
          Ed Comer
        7. TPDM Analysis Credential FINAL.pptx
          222 kB
          Steven Arnold

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