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  1. Teacher Preparation Data Model
  2. TPDMX-118

Teacher/Teacher Candidate Credentials




      The current model has targets for information about teacher candidates, and about their credentials. There is a need for a separate table that holds the complex information about credentials. This is important for capturing the information about licenses, endorsements, micro-credentials, and the like.


      These credentials link to TPPs (they offer and recommend them), to candidates (they pursue and earn them) and to EdFi core (K-12 courses require certain certs). for credentials we use:

      1. A table with educator information, which maps to the teacher candidate
      2. A complex lookup table containing what every type of certificate is –
      3. e.g., Cert_license_id = 452, this means Intern cert for Chemistry 7-12 from an alternative certification route  
      1. A table that has a unique ID for every actual certificate. Each cert goes with an educator, has a beginning and an end date may have endorsements or sanctions, etc. On this table is also the cert_license_id - that is, exactly what the cert is, and who it belongs to – the educator.

      The tables and columns are in the attached spreadsheet (see all 3 tabs). Now, if we’re missing something in our mapping, we’re happy to course correct. This is an element that would impact a number of use cases, but I think that SEAs are in a unique perspective to see it, since we are looking at connecting K12 with TPP, and looking at the entire portfolio of possible credentials.


        1. TPDM Analysis Credential FINAL.pptx
          222 kB
        2. TEA Lookup Tables.xlsx
          21 kB
        3. TEA_tables and columns for certificate issue.xlsx
          14 kB
        4. RANDA v TPDM.xlsx
          13 kB
        5. Credential Model Final.vsdx
          66 kB
        6. Credential FINAL.xlsx
          33 kB
        7. Copy of Cert_licenses.xlsx
          240 kB

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