


      in the draft2.0 xsd, the following elements have no annotation. This list is believed to be comprehensive.

      AcademicWeek.EducationOrganizationReference---->Relates the academic week to an existing Educational Organization.
      AssessmentItem.AssessmentReference---->Relates the assessment item to an existing assessment.
      CalendarDate.CalendarEvent---->Additional description of the date such as date classification and duration of the event.
      CompetencyObjective.SuccessCriteria---->One or more statements that describes the criteria used by teachers and students to check for attainment of a competency objective. This criteria gives clear indications as to the degree to which learning is moving through the Zone or Proximal Development toward independent achievement of the competency objective.
      CourseTranscript.ExternalCourse---->Course taken and administered by another educational organization.
      EducationOrganizationNetwork.EducationOrganizationNetworkId---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a network of education organizations.
      GradingPeriod.EducationOrganizationReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing educational organization record.
      GraduationPlan.GraduationSchoolYear---->The school year the student is expected to graduate.
      Intervention.InterventionIdentificationCode---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an intervention.
      Intervention.ShortDescription---><<<--remove this element
      Intervention.Description---><<<--remove this element
      InterventionPrescription.InterventionPrescriptionIdentificationCode---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an intervention prescription.
      InterventionPrescription.ShortDescription---><<<--remove this element
      InterventionPrescription.Description---><<<--remove this element
      InterventionStudy.InterventionStudyIdentificationCode---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an intervention study.
      InterventionStudy.ShortDescription---><<<--remove this element
      InterventionStudy.Description---><<<--remove this element
      LearningObjective.ParentLearningObjectiveReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing learning objective which serves as a method to group other learning objectives.
      LearningStandard.ParentLearningStandardReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing learning standard which serves as a method to group other learning standards.
      ObjectiveAssessment.ParentObjectiveAssessmentReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to the parent objective assessment containing this objective assessment.
      ObjectiveAssessment.AssessmentReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing assessment.
      Session.SchoolReference---->Relates the session to the school.
      StudentAcademicRecord.EducationOrganizationReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing educational organization record.
      StudentCompetencyObjective.GradingPeriodReference---->Relates the competency objective to a grading period.
      StudentLearningObjective.GradingPeriodReference---->Relates the learning objective to a grading period.
      StudentCharacteristicDescriptor---->This descriptor defines the set of important characteristics of the student.
      EducationOrganizationPeerAssociation---->The association from an education organization to its peers.
      AssessmentItemIdentityType.AssessmentReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing assessment.
      EducationOrganizationNetworkIdentityType.EducationOrganizationNetworkId---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a network of education organizations.
      GraduationPlanIdentityType.GraduationSchoolYear---->The school year the student is expected to graduate.
      InterventionIdentityType.InterventionIdentificationCode---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an intervention.
      InterventionIdentityType.EducationOrganizationReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing educational organization record.
      InterventionPrescriptionIdentityType.InterventionPrescriptionIdentificationCode---->A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an intervention prescription.
      InterventionPrescriptionIdentityType.EducationOrganizationReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing educational organization record.
      LearningObjectiveIdentityType.AcademicSubject---->The description of the content or subject area (e.g., arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language) of the learning objective.
      LearningObjectiveIdentityType.ObjectiveGradeLevel---->The grade level for which the learning objective is targeted.
      ObjectiveAssessmentIdentityType.AssessmentReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing assessment.
      SessionIdentityType.SchoolReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing school.
      StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociationIdentityType.HireDate---->The month, day, and year on which an individual was hired for a position.
      StudentAcademicRecordIdentityType.EducationOrganizationReference---->Provide user information to lookup and link to an existing educational organization record.
      AcademicHonor.Achievement---->An entity that includes information about achievement earned by a learner upon fulfilling a specified criteria.
      CalendarEvent---->Additional description of the date such as date classification and duration of the event
      CreditsByCourse.CourseSetName---->Identifying name given to a collection of courses.
      Diploma.Achievement---->An entity that includes information about achievement earned by a learner upon fulfilling a specified criteria.
      EducationContentSource---->Published papers, reports or other educational documents.
      EducationContentSource.EducationContentReference---->Relates the education content source to the education content.
      ExternalCourse---->Course taken and administered by another educational organization.
      IdentificationDocument.IdentificationDocumentUse---->The primary function of the document used for establishing identity.
      InternationalAddress.AddressLine1---->The first line of the address.
      InternationalAddress.AddressLine2---->The second line of the address.
      InternationalAddress.AddressLine3---->The third line of the address.
      InternationalAddress.AddressLine4---->The fourth line of the address.
      InternationalAddress---->Addresses located outside of the United States.
      Language---->A method of written or spoken communication.
      Language.Language---->A specification of which written or spoken communication is being used.
      PerformanceLevel.PerformanceLevel---->A specification of which performance level value describes the student proficiency.
      PerformanceLevel---->A performance level value that describes student proficiency.
      Recognition.Achievement---->An entity that includes information about achievement earned by a learner upon fulfilling a specified criteria.
      ServiceProvider.StaffReference---->Relates the service provider to the staff.
      AcademicHonorCategoryType enum value "Honor award"---->An award given to a candidate for exceptional performance.
      AcademicHonorCategoryType enum value "Prize awards"---->An award given to a candidate for one time or ongoing performance.
      Author---->The individual credited with the creation of the resource.
      CourseSetName---->Identifying name given to a collection of courses.


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              chris.moffatt Chris Moffatt
              jeremybraden Jeremy Braden (Inactive)
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