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  1. Ed-Fi Data Standard
  2. DATASTD-881

XSD Identities for EducationContent's Author and DerivativeSourceEducationContentSource too big for SQL Server




      Summary of outcomes for Data Standard 2.1

      • Problem Addressed: Length of Author shared string in EducationContent and DerivativeSourceEducationContentSource creates a primary key that exceeds SQL Server's maximum size for allowable primary key in corresponding XSD tables.
      • High-level Reasoning: Author is combined with the shared string ContentIdentifier (a shared string of length 225 characters) to create the keys for EducationContentAuthor and EducationContentDerivativeSourceEducationContent. With Author at a length of 255 characters, the combination of fields creates a key that exceeds SQL Server's maximum size.
      • Changes Made: Reduced length of Author shared string to 100

      Original ticket description follows:

      EducationContent has a collection of Authors. It also has a DerivativeSourceEducationContentSource with collections of URI's and LearningResourceMetadataURIs. Unfortunately, the combined size of the identity elements for these collections exceed the maximum size allowable for a primary key in the corresponding ODS tables.

      However, 2.0 Final ODS creation does not result in a warning about this condition. This is because several columns in the ODS have truncated lengths as compared to the Data Standard. Specifically, the EducationContentAuthor.Author column is of length 225 instead of 255 as in the Data Standard, as well as Author columns elsewhere in the ODS. Similarly, both EducationContentDerivativeSourceLearningResourceMetadataURI.LearningResourceMetadataURI and EducationContentDerivativeSourceURI.URI have also been truncated to length 225. This means inserts/updates of these columns may fail even though the data meets Data Standard length requirements.

      This was noticed during MetaEd 0.7 testing because these column lengths were generated consistently with the Data Standard specification, causing a key length warning message during MetaEd ODS creation.

      Placing this issue in the DATASTD Jira project to start as there are no easy ODS workarounds.


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              bradbanister Brad Banister
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