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  1. Ed-Fi Data Standard
  2. DATASTD-1164

Alignment of StudentMigrantEducationProgramAssociation




      Complete the following to better align with EdFacts/CEDS:

      • Add the following properties to StudentMigrantEducationProgramAssociation
      Property Data Type Cardinality Definition
      QualifyingArrivalDate Date 0..1 The Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) is the date the child
      joins the worker who has already moved, or the date
      when the worker joins the child who has already moved.
      The QAD is the date that the child’s eligibility for the MEP
      begins. The QAD is not affected by subsequent
      non-qualifying moves.
      StateResidencyDate Date 0..1 The verified State residency for the student.
      EligibilityExpirationDate Date 0..1 The Eligibility Expiration Date is used to determine end
      of eligibility and to account for a child’s eligibility expiring
      earlier than 36 months from the child’s QAD. A child’s
      eligibility would end earlier than 36 months from the child’s
      QAD, if the child is no longer entitled to a free public
      education (e.g., graduated with a high school diploma,
      obtained a high school equivalency diploma (HSED), or for
      other reasons as determined by States’ requirements), or if
      the child passes away.
      MigrantEducationProgramService Common type 0..n Indicates the Service(s) being provided to the Student by the Migrant Education Program.


      • Create new common type called MigrantEducationProgramService (documentation "The student's migrant education program service information.") to contain:


      Property Data Type Cardinality Definition
      MigrantEducationProgramService Descriptor Identity Indicates the Service being provided to the student by the Migrant Education Program.
      PrimaryIndicator Boolean 0..1 True if service is a primary service.
      ServiceBeginDate Date 0..1 First date the Student was in this option for the current school year.
      ServiceEndDate Date 0..1 Last date the Student was in this option for the current school year.


      • Create MigrantEducationProgramService descriptor (documentation: "This descriptor defines the services provided by an education organization to populations of students associated with a migrant education program.") to include the following values:
        • Counseling Services
        • High School Accrual
        • Instructional Services
        • Mathematics Instruction
        • Reading Instruction
        • Referral Services
        • Support Services


      Red text denotes suggestions by Double Line in the absence of explicit instruction.

      For additional details, see the PowerPoint slides attached to linked ticket DATASTD-1162.


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              bamcknight Becky McKnight
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